Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Electronic Repair - Is It A Dying Trade Business?

Many times I received the same questions from my students and friends asking whether electronic repair service line is a dying trade. My answer to them was it depends on how you treat your electronic repair business. In other words, how do they run their electronic repair business. I do know that at current situation many consumers prefer to buy a new set rather than repair because electronic equipment is getting cheaper and cheaper. This is only true for certain types of    equipment but not all equipment
Let me ask you some questions, would you buy a new LCD TV set if your LCD TV have a sound problem? Would you buy a new Monitor if there is a color problem? Would you buy a new Laser Jet printer just because of paper jam? Or would you buy a new dot-matrix printer just because of alignment out? If you talks about the cheaper range of equipment such as a VCD or even a DVD (none branded), yes the users might just throw it off to the rubbish bin and get a new unit with a one year warranty-free of troubles and hassle sending the machine to a repair shop. If the equipment cost several hundreds or thousands of dollars, definitely the users have to send it for repair unless the users are very rich. Base on the current economic situation, many users are willing to send their machine or equipment to repair compare to buying a new unit unless the equipment is beyond repair such as no spare parts, lightning strike and etc.
I would like to share a true story with you. Few years back, my sister bought a cheap none branded 21"TV which was half of the branded TV price. After two weeks, the TV front panel press button broken, not only that, the remote control not working as well. Due to these problems, she can't adjust or change the TV setting. I tried to repair it but inside everything was so fragile. The quality of the picture produced was so dull and lack of contrast. Since from that experienced, I've learned my lesson and would not buy any none branded equipment in the future.

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